ReliefWeb: Updates by Country 11.07.2024 11:30 Countries: Syrian Arab Republic, Türkiye Source: World Food Programme Please refer to the attached file. Quarterly Update WFP continues the in-camp e-voucher programme in collaboration with the Turkish Red Crescent , providing around 42,000 beneficiaries in six camps in the southeast with a monthly assistance of Turkish Lira 300 per person. The Presidency of Migration Management adopted a camp decongestion strategy which involves closing some of the camps and consolidating vulnerable refugee households with special needs in Adana camp. Accordingly, the WFP-assisted Apaydin camp in Hatay was closed in March and camp residents were supported by PMM to settle in urban areas or move back to Syria. WFP is formulating a new project to support voluntary relocation of camp residents through resilience-building activities and multi-purpose cash assistance to households wishing to resettle in urban areas in stages. Monitoring The food basket cost in the contracted shops in the six camps hosting Syrian refugees increased from TRY 967 to TRY 979 between January and March, representing a 2 percent increase. According to the Q1 2024 In-camp Post Distribution Monitoring Report, economic factors remain the primary determinants of food security among refugees with 23 percent of households classified as food insecure and 74 percent as vulnerable to food insecurity. Gender disparities persist with 88 percent reporting that women do not contribute to the household income. 54 percent rely on casual unskilled wage labour, indicating a shift towards self-reliance. This is parallel with the finding that WFP assistance is the secondary income source for 75 percent of the households. However, 84 percent rely on at least one type of coping behaviour, which emphasizes the ongoing importance of external support. Finally, positive trends were observed in accountability and program awareness, with 98 percent reporting respectful treatment and 58 percent stating that they are adequately informed about WFP’s programme.

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