ReliefWeb: Updates by Country 17.07.2024 00:01 Countries: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Niger Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Please refer to the attached Infographic. Cameroon Increase in cases of malnutrition among children below the age of 5 in the Logone et Chari division Since January 2024, cases of severe malnutrition among children aged 0 to 5 have increased significantly in the Logone et Chari division, Far North region. Health authorities reported 1,751 cases of severe acute malnutrition in May, compared to 665 cases in January. Kousseri health district reported the highest number of cases, with 736 cases of SAM recorded in May compared to 476 in April. The situation is of concern as one of the main partners supporting the Kousseri annex regional hospital announced closure of its activities. Their project has ended, and lack of new funding does not allow to reconduct those critical activities. Democratic Republic of the Congo Return of displaced populations to Komanda Local authorities reported that more than 5,000 people out of the 5,600 who fled the Bamande health area, in the Ituri province, during the armed attacks of 18 June 2024, have returned since 8 July. According to the authorities, the attack was perpetrated by armed men. Various activities are resuming, including medical care services. Four civilians had been killed, and four others injured in the attack of 18 June. Liberia Unprecedented flooding leaves 50,000 in urgent need According to Liberia’s National Disaster Management Agency , recent unprecedented floods in Liberia have killed two people and displaced nearly 50,000. The torrential rains on 28 June, displaced 8,000 people, and severely damaged homes, schools, and hospitals in Montserrado, Margibi, and Grand Bassa counties, according to a NDMA official. The NDMA has called for international support, with a USD 10 million requirement for emergency relief. With the rainy season far from over, an estimated 100,000 people remain at risk of flooding, storms, and coastal erosion, with heightened health risks anticipated. The NDMA and the UN are working together to address the crisis, but more resilience measures and adaptive capacity are urgently needed to combat the effects of climate change. Niger At least 13 people abducted in the Maradi region Humanitarian organisations reported that 13 people, including women and children, were abducted in the Gabi commune in Maradi region, over the past week. The victims were reportedly taken to Nigeria. Kidnappings followed by ransom demands are common in the region, where armed individuals use this modus operandi to finance their activities.

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