The influencers rallying South Africa's youth to vote

27.05.2024 08:00 With 42% of voters under 40, the younger demographic could play a big role in Wednesday's poll.

Some 160 villagers reported taken in deadly raid in Nigeria

27.05.2024 03:00 Nigerian officials say gunmen spent hours in the village and had time to drink tea before abducting people.

130 people die at Sudan hospital amid city siege

26.05.2024 21:10 Hospitals and markets in El Fasher are experiencing "violent artillery shelling", a resident says.

Burkina Faso extends military rule by five years

26.05.2024 17:00 Military ruler Capt Ibrahim Traoré breaks his promise to restore civillian rule by 1 July this year.

The ANC hopes to conquer but will it struggle in South Africa poll?

26.05.2024 12:10 The governing party wraps up its campaign for a seventh term with a rally in Soweto.

Cynthia voted for Nelson Mandela. Now she's abandoning his successors

25.05.2024 11:51 The ruling ANC party has not delivered the change in South Africa that some had hoped for.

Kenya police to arrive in Haiti in 'three weeks'

25.05.2024 06:50 The BBC sat down with Kenya's president during his three-day trip to Washington DC to talk about Haiti and other crises.

'I just want what the white people have' - what happened to Cynthia's dream in South Africa

25.05.2024 01:30 The BBC's Fergal Keane returns to South Africa to follow up on a woman's story that stuck with him for over 30 years.

Pomp and drama as deposed Nigerian emir returns to throne

24.05.2024 21:20 Muhammadu Sanusi II is reinstated after being dethroned four years ago for "insubordination".

Orphans married off in Nigeria after mass wedding outcry

24.05.2024 21:20 At least 100 young women were married off in individual ceremonies in north-western Nigeria.

CCTV reveals lion taking dog from family home

24.05.2024 21:20 Jaci the rottweiler had been with the family for nearly two years and leaves her twin Laser behind.

World ignoring risk of Sudan genocide - UN expert

24.05.2024 16:30 Sudan is facing a genocide as the world's attention is focused on Ukraine and Gaza, a UN expert warns.

Kenya’s non-Nato ally status is crucial for regional security

24.05.2024 16:30 Kenya is the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to enter the special military alliance with the US.

US woos Kenya's Ruto with starry State Dinner

24.05.2024 16:30 It is the first State Dinner at the White House for an African president in 16 years.

Basketball Africa League looks to boost women's game

24.05.2024 16:30 The Basketball Africa League is laying the foundations for a premier women’s league on the continent with world governing body Fiba.

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