Engadget 12.10.2024 01:50 The soundtrack to the spider-bot-crawling 1997 Ghost in the Shell game adaptation is coming to the West for the first time. Titled Ghost in the Shell: Megatech Body , the soundtrack was produced by Takkyu Ishino. It’s available to pre-order on iam8bit ahead of its 2025 release. The PS1 game adaptation had late-90s gamers piloting a spider-like mech , blasting enemies to smithereens with twin machine guns and guided missiles. Masamune Shirow, the original manga’s author, wrote and illustrated its story and art design. But as 90s shooters often figured out, firing guns nonstop for hours on end is much better with a badass techno soundtrack pumping in the background like an energy drink for your ears. In addition to Ishino, it includes “warehouse-shaking bangers” from Mijk Van Dijk, The Advent, Joey Beltram and Brother from Another Planet . iam8bit The soundtrack album first arrived in Japan alongside the game in 1997 in a single-disc version and an expanded two-disc limited edition. In an apparent nod to the original, the 2025 soundtrack for the West will be available on CD , a double LP and a 12-inch picture disc . You can now pre-order the three Ghost in the Shell: Megatech Body variants on iam8bit. The CD costs $43, the vinyl version is $55 and the picture disc costs $50. The soundtrack is expected to arrive in Q2 2025.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/entertainment/music/the-ghost-in-the-shell-ps1-soundtrack-is-finally-coming-to-the-west-194447885.html?src=rss

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